Rollerblade Hydrogen 125 125mm 85a Black Core 6-Pack Wheels – Sale
Rollerblade’s Hydrogen Wheels are the pinnacle of performance. When speed is your game, the 125mm wheels are the ones you want spinning underneath your feet. They deliver power and response with more grip to keep your steady and longevity for greater use. The urethane is a great vibration reducer which means less fatigue and more performance for longer stretches. The core of the Rollerblade Hydrogen Wheels are designed in a way to give you more flex, power and energy with each stride. These premium wheels are a must-have for the serious skater looking for that performance.
Hydrogen 125mm wheels are designed for ultimate athletic performance.  Made in the USA using an exclusive Premium formula, the scooped inner core supports a urethane outer—enhancing speed, mechanical grip and wear.  6 wheels per set.
• OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE – Advanced-high speed and excellent wear, 125mm/85A
• PREMIUM FORMULA – Resilience and rebound
• SOLID CORE DESIGN – Consistent speed and cornering
• MAXIMUM GRIP – Excellent vibration control
• MADE IN THE USA – (6) wheels per set, bearings and spacers not included